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We can provide you with

Premium Traffic Resources

Leveraging traffic from over 500 in-house In-App Advertising and In-App Purchases products, along with local media partnerships, our DSP Advertising Platform uses data and algorithms to help advertisers precisely target the best acquisition channels.

Global Traffic Coverage
DSP Advertising Platform

Empowered by Algorithmic

By using automated ad strategies, we leverage Precision Marketing to precisely target traffic and audiences to capture high-quality users. We offer tools like creative A/B testing and data reports to optimize campaign performance.

High ROI Focus

We use algorithms to optimize ROAS in real time, focusing on high-value ad strategies, while partnering with top verification agencies to prevent fraudulent traffic.

precision target marketing

Successful Cases

# IAA-Games-Match Daily installs increased by 3,000; OneSoft boosts user acquisition through NetMarvel More >
# IAP-Games-Racing Daily installs increased by 47%! NEXON Rapidly Scales Up In-App Purchase with NetMarvel More >
# IAA-Games-Puzzle D7 ROI Up 150%! NetMarvel Enhances Mirai’s Game Monetization and Growth More >
# IAA-Games-Puzzle Eyewind Technology Partners with NetMarvel to Maximize User Acquisition Effectiveness More >
# IAP-Games-Racing Results Exceed Expectations! Touchbox Leverages NetMarvel for Precise Mobile Game Marketing and User Acquisition! More >
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